Southwest Virginia
Healthcare Coalition

Dedicated to enhancing regional preparedness and response to disaster.


Upcoming Events:

  • Another Event 2

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  • Another Event 3

Training Center:

A large part of SVHC's mission is to foster the education of the community, emergency managers, healthcare administrators, and healthcare providers to better prepare and deal with disasters or other interruptions to normal operations. One way we do that is through our training and education offerings. We have a variety of opportunities including courses National Disaster Life Support Foundation.

In The News:

View the latest community news from Southwest Virginia Health Care Coalition

Grant Programming Provided By:

The coalition’s efforts are funded via federal grant distributed to the Virginia Department of Health from the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response as part of the Hospital Preparedness Program. VDH contracts with the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association to further distribute those funds to six healthcare coalitions throughout the commonwealth.

Virginia Department of Health

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