Kaiser Permanente Tool

Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

Healthcare Organizations are encouraged and sometimes required to conduct and annually review their Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) and risk assessment. The HVA provides a systematic approach to recognizing hazards that may affect demand for healthcare services or its ability to provide those services. The risks associated with each hazard are analyzed to prioritize planning, mitigation, response, and recovery activities. The HVA serves as a needs assessment for an Emergency Management program.

This process should involve community partners such as local emergency management, regional healthcare coalition, and National Weather Service. Once the assessment is completed this document should then be shared with those agencies. There are a few different kinds of assessments your Organization could complete, see ASPR TRACIE's cumulative list here.

SVHC has routinely used the Kaiser Permanente Model. The file to complete your own assessment is below along with a copy of SVHC's current HVA and the Commonwealth of Virginia's Health and Medical Risk Assessment for you to use as reference tools.